Tapahtumat → MUKIMEIHEMI x ALGO ry


Ajankohta: 23.4.2024 klo. 15:00

Paikka: Kirjasto Lähde, Puro

Tyyppi: Kulttuuri

Mukimeihemi 23.4 klo 15-> 

in english below

MITÄ? Mukien maalausta ja mahtavaa menoa

MISSÄ? Puro B348 @ Kirjasto Lähde

MILLOIN?  23.4. klo 15→


MIKSI? Koska kuka ei haluaisi kuppeja ja kavereita?!

MITÄ MUKAAN? hyvä boogie ja haalarit jalkaan, mukin saat mukaasi tapahtumasta



Hello, all you lovely stimppas! I think all of us are fond of MUGS and merry people? Are you in need of little treats, tea cups or tea-mates?

If so,, you are welcome to MUGMAYHEM on 23.4. starting at 15:00 at Puro, B 348 at Kirjasto Lähde! What's it about?

You will get to paint your own mug as well as get know people from Algo ry (the ones with the really cool student overalls) along with enjoying yummy little treats! Although the MUGMAYHEM is an alcohol free event, you can join us for the afterparty at Yläkaupungin Alepub, where we can enjoy a pubquiz! Fell welcome to join

All of this, for 3€! Can you imagine?!?!?!?!

The registration for the event starts in Kide.App on Tuesday 2.4. at 12:00 and ends 21.4. at 16:00. The link for the registration will be in the email. 


Our events adhere to the principles of a safe space, and we appoint equality representatives for each event. You can contact equality representatives for matters related to safety, discrimination, harassment, and accessibility during and after the event at any time.

The event contacts and equality representatives are Ella Metsälahti phone 0452715575, kulttuuri@stimulus.fi and Reetta Manninen phone 0404162805 and Venla Veijalainen phone 0453550935

WHAT? Mug painting and meeting new people

WHERE? Puro B348 @ Kirjasto Lähde

WHEN? 23.4. starting at 3:00pm


WHAT TO WEAR? Student overalls if you feel like it!

WHY? Because who doesn’t like mugs and merry people!